Sunday, August 2, 2015

Week of March 15 - The Dilemma: Stats or Effectiveness

Man your story is so legit (Dad - I had told him the story of a powerful conversion story that I experienced on my mission in France of Sister Barbier; I also shared with him story of Le Havre and it being a really tough area that had been "condemned" prior to the WWII). I have really wanted to dust my shoes after some of the people's reactions to us going around and knocking on their doors. It has been a real eye opening experience to see the rudeness people have for absolutely no reason. I guess I have learned that no matter where I end up on the socio-economic spectrum, I do not ever want to be rude to others for any reason. 

It has been a really good week here. The lady that we have been teaching is super awesome. She has been doing everything required to receive an answer to her prayers and wants and desires to be baptised after she receives the confirming witness of its truthfulness. I know that the answer will come it is just the waiting that is hard, and in today's instant gratification society, I pray that it will not take too long. Her son came to church again and he really loves it so we asked him if he would want to learn and he said yes, so we will be teaching him this week. I hope that we can do our part to help them become converted. It is hard to balance out trying to get stats and trying to do what is important. For example, we our supposed to teach 20 lessons a week, but since we don't have investigators, we only teach like 7, and most of them our member lessons. Also we are supposed to get 20 new contacts a week which is super difficult even in the city where we barely got 20 each week and they are a lot more receptive and willing to change and do something different. We know member work is the key and most effective way to move the work here, so we stop in on members and follow up with their missionary efforts to keep it fresh in their minds. Those visits don't count anywhere on the stat sheet, but is a way better use of time. I don't know if you faced a similar dilemma and what you did to resolve it?

It is great to hear about all of the kids.  [Speaking of Aaron's wrestling] Keep encouraging Aaron. I think one of the biggest things that I wish you would have done was force me a little bit more when I was younger. I know that is probably just myself wishing I would have been willing to be pushed at a young age and that I would have been happy and content with that. Show Aaron you are actively involved by filming everything and attending all practices and signing him up for all tournaments and chaperoning him. I think that as long as you show you are committed to him, he will be committed himself.

Elder Otterson

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